COURSES: (Rev.: 10 Aug. 2009 / Last Rev. 12/12/2011)
General Rules, Legal
Disclosure, Terms
and Conditions:
This Agreement constitutes and
expresses the entire agreement and understanding between the IFS
INDIA and the students of the IFS INDIA in reference to all matters
herein referred to, all previous discussions, promises,
representations and understandings relative thereto, if any, had
between the parties hereto, being herein merged.
According to needs
and information received from concerned organizations,
departments and quality policy updates, we regularly update /
improve or change these Rules, Regulations, Terms, Conditions, Fee
Structures, Course Patterns, Syllabus etc on regular basis, so
please always visit website, exam. schedule page, FAQ, T&C
(for updates / announcements
/ changes etc) and also check all your emails regularly.
The roll number/course key/login details to; each student
will be given on admission. On admission every student will receive an Identity Card,
Study Material / Reference Books, Course Completion Certificate
etc, according to course type and course mode as mentioned
in below terms.
Qualification Certificates
(Course, Diploma or Degree Certificate, Mark sheet etc) of the
previous school or college will be required from each student wishing to
join the course.
Students enrolled for courses having course
duration more than 6 Month can pay their Course Fee in max. two
installments, but Rs. 750 / USD 20 will be charged extra, About 50 %
Fee should be paid during admission and remaining fee must be
paid within 90 days, All payments, Cheques, DD etc must be
cleared in our bank account within specified period, so always
consider 90 days as 80 days to avoid any future problems etc, as
it is collected on entire batch basis.
After every payment do
not forget to inform us by sending email along with Payment
Details, Scanned copy of bank receipt, transaction details etc.
other wise your payment will not confirmed and not tracked as it
is your payment, if you do not inform us by email your late fee
will be charged, and date of payment confirmation by email is
considered as payment date (Not actual date when you made
payment). Always use quick payment methods, or pay before due
date as cheque / DD clearance, Postal Delivery etc may take long
time, Actual clearance of money in to our bank account will be
considered as payment date.
The application fee paid for the course, and is not refundable. We can only refund the application fee when a course applied for has been cancelled or Only in case he/she does not get a seat, also, the fee payment cannot be transferred to
another course.
Student I-Card can be provided for students appeared for
courses having course duration more than 6 month, and will be
sent later (Within 60 working days or along with first sem.
result), we provide I-Card on complementary basis, it helps in
concession for IFS Seminars, Workshops, Conferences etc.
For details about Fee Concession (Click
IFS INDIA reserves the right to alter fee, course structure,
or any of the terms or conditions described in this
site/brochure without notice at any time and to deny enrolment
to any person without explanation.
We are not responsible for delays in course fee payment on given time period due to courier or postal delay, holidays, payment processing time, cheque / Demand Draft rejection or any other reason from your side. We are not responsible for postal delays or processing delays by a payee etc and We may charge you additional late fees on the basis number of delayed days, so it is always requested that- Pay your course fee before time to avoid any type of late fee and always visit website for updates, announcements, changes etc and also check your emails...
It always requested /
suggested that- Consider all the deadlines or final dates by
deducting min. 7 to 10 days to avoid any type of problems due to
late cheque clearances from bank, postal delay, internal dept.
processing delay, flexibility due to some other students dates,
holidays or other technical or unavoidable reasons.
After registration / admission Indian & Distance Courses
Certification students will receive their study material within
10 to 15 working days, In some cases it may take more time due
to un-availability of Ref. Books from our Publisher, Holidays,
Shortage of study material / staff etc and other un-avoidable
reasons. (After Clearance of Cheque / DD etc)
International / Outside India students who wants printed
notes, books, I-Card and ref. material by courier / post then
200 USD will be charged extra. (Optional)
All our Courses, Study Material and Contents are for
educational and informational purposes only. IFS INDIA and Team
will not responsible for their misuse, User will be solely
responsible for misuse of the Education, Information, Knowledge
and Tools or any other content.
Our Courses will not transfer as college credit. Many
colleges, Organizations, Companies and universities around the
world do accept our courses certificates as fulfilling
prerequisite program requirements. However, we do not keep track
of what courses are accepted where and under what conditions.
Students do not need to attend any classes so we provides
fully self study, distance and online courses, duration
mentioned on site is maximum duration required to complete
his/her course. Indian Students have to appear for exam after
completion of specified course duration, but this duration is
not applicable to International students (Fast Track), as they can appear for
exam. when they will finish their study. Exam. will be conducted
on Saturday / Sunday or any other working day.
We provide printed notes / reference books to Indian
residence and distance education mode students only,
alternatively online study material will be provided to
International students, If shipping charges are paid separately
by international students then only printed material will be
provided. Some cases student have to access online study
materials from website for more reference study, advanced study,
basic books, supplementary materials etc.
Our courses will guide you about Legal Procedures, Forensic
Relations, Ethics, Forensic Science Aspects etc about every
subject, We do not provide Medical, Engineering etc courses.
Our Certificates
are acceptable for Jobs and Legal purposes as recognized from
government agencies. IFS INDIA is Govt. Regd., ISO 9001-2008 Certified and
Autonomous Forensic Organization / Corporate, not a Institute,
University or College. 'Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of
India, (Perspective Plan for Indian Forensics, 2010) submitted
Education Department for more details visit About Us page'.
Acceptability of Recognitions is depend up on respective
team / officer / organizations etc
All Franchise, affiliated centres or
corporate member's are independent legal entities. The IFS INDIA
is not responsible in anyway for the decisions and actions taken
by these independent entities and they solely responsible for
all other activities.
Our courses are for your educational enrichment, enhancing
knowledge and professional developments, We provide job
assistance to our students if their basic qualification meets
eligibility criteria, it means you must have strong basic
qualifications, so these course will give you additional
weightage, it could not be considered as Job Guarantee or
Assured Placement.
Our courses are self-paced with instructor-led (Online
Support Ticket). Student
can study on specific subject from their own home or office with
our Study Materials / Kit. We do not provide Classroom Training
or Classes for these courses. Student have to apply for
training, workshop, seminar and other personal classes
separately, Fee, entrance exam. or selection criteria is depend
on type of training.
Additional Taxes / fees / Too and Fro / Work / Service
charges may apply.
IFS shall have no responsibility for any damage to Books,
Certificates, Forms, DD / Cheques, Documents or any other
losses, in courier or postal services.
We provide Online Support Ticket System for help or support,
We do not provide -Skype, Chatting, or other support modes. For
any updates or announcements please contact us regularly, in
many cases or related to assignment questions, exam. schedule
our team will update details on website and they never directly
contact with students, so please visit our website regularly.
Student must have basic knowledge about computer, internet,
email etc to access online portals, study materials, to check
announcements, updates, exam. schedule, to appear online exam.,
to assignment questions etc. As our main communication medium is
E-Mail Only and all the systems are online, so you may not
receive any phone call from us, alternatively we place all the
announcements on website (Exam. Schedule Page, Terms and
Condition Page / FAQ etc) or some time we may send it by emails.
For any request, help or complaint etc always contact us by email or support control panel and NOT BY PHONE, IFS will not be responsible for any complaint regarding telephonic conversation, any wrong information or support team's promises over pone etc, so always use email as a contact or support method, so we and you can track every contact activity / communication. always use e-mail, because you have a record and can get a read receipt.
Indian Students may use Universal Currency Converter from
http://www.xe.com/ucc/ to
pay fee in other currencies
On cancellations or withdrawals, no payments will be
refunded. Course Fee will not be transferred to another course. No any changes will be accepted in course name, course mode, course fee etc. Course materials can not be returned or changed etc.
It is your responsibility to review, contact and visit our
websites, support team from time to time to ensure that you
continue to agree with all of its terms. If you have any
questions, please contact us. It is students first duty to read
terms, conditions, faq and emails etc, any losses caused due to
this will not considered in any circumstances. Every student
must have his/her active email id and phone number.
(Unacceptable reasons- My email account was hacked, my email
account was not working, I don't have internet connection, There
was internet connectivity problem, I don't have email ID, I
don't have knowledge about computer or internet, power failure,
account was deleted, I was busy, I was out of country or city,
other official works, official or personal reasons, health or
bed rest reasons etc...)
Do email us the details after payments with transaction id's
Student have to submit their qualifications documents,
identity proof, residence proof and passport size photograph
after fee payment.
Contact us by email for Exam. dates, Assignment Questions,
Study Material Queries etc etc, Always contact our support team
by email or by support control panel, IFS may contact you
regarding exam. schedule, assignment or further procedures.
If you fail in appeared exam, We will provide you an extra attempt without any cost / fee within 1 to
3 working days (With re-appeared status), If you fail in appeared exam
/ to appear second time, then We will provide you an extra attempt with 1200 Rs. / 50 USD
within 7 working days (with reappeared status);
If you fail to appear for an online examination
on confirmed / scheduled exam. date, then you have to pay a 1200 INR / $50 rescheduling fee + 50 Rs. per day (with RMP Medical Certificate).
If any student fails to confirm exam. date and even not appear
for automatically scheduled date then also it will be suspended
(Absent Mark) and he/she have to pay a 1200 INR / $50 rescheduling fee + 50 Rs. per day
from the first exam. date (with RMP Medical Certificate),
after passing 7 day registration / admission will be deleted.
If you fail to appear a second time or any student fail to appear exam. within
7-10 days of exam. schedule, your application will be considered void, and you will have to submit a new application with new fees.. (For your Exam. Schedule
visit Website)
The void date on an application may be extended up to 20
days if you provide documented evidence that the failure to
reschedule the exam was due to a medical emergency or other
circumstance beyond your control (Exam. re-schedule fee and late
fee apply).
Students must confirm their online exam. date at-least before 15 working days before their first exam. date choice. Exam. dates confirmed before 2-3 days or one day before can not be accepted. To check your exam. schedule please visit- www.ifs.edu.in/exam.schedule.html and confirm any one date choice from- www.ifs.edu.in/exam.schedule.confirm.html ;
If we do not received any exam. date confirmation before your first exam. date, then your first exam. date / choice will be considered as your final exam. date choice and second exam. date choice will not be assigned in any condition, so please confirm it before 15 working days. If we do not receive any response regarding your exam. date choice (after passing your first exam. date option) your application will be suspended and considered as null & void.
Please give priority to the exams, assignments, information,
instructions, dates, and updates. First preference to the your
exams, assignments and course completion highly expected.
When you confirms Exam
Date, Our Team will send you Online Examination Login details
before 12 to 24 Hour of your examination day/date, if you do not
receive any exam. login details within 12 to 24 hour of your exam
timing, then please email us at exam@forensic.co.in (Inform by
E-Mail Only) - Please note that, if your fees is pending you may
not appear for exam. all the course fee must be paid before your
exam. within 90 days of admission / registration, if any student
fail to pay remaining course fee within specified time or
his/her admission is suspended the he/she can't get exam. login
details from exam. dept. (Confirmation of full course fee
payment from account dept. is required), in such case exam.
re-schedule fee 1200 Rs. + 50 Rs. per day late fee may apply.
After completion of online exam.: Confirm your result & Apply for Mark Sheet / Certificate etc by visiting this link-
www.dlc.co.in/form/ifs-29.aspx ,
If any student fails to confirm / submit above application form, their result will not be confirmed / processed. Only after confirmation our exam. team will dispatch you your result within 20-30 working days, always check for automated confirmation email after submission of above form, if you do not receive it within 10-15 min. after submitting or if you do not find it in SPAM / BULK / JUNK folder please submit it again or contact support team from
www.forensic.co.in/support or www.ifs.edu.in/support .
Two Exam. Dates / Options
are fixed exam. dates / choices, no any extension will be
provided without these two options, (one extension can be
provided in medical emergency situations if RMP Medical
Certificated provided within 3 days of exam. date). No any
additional exam. date will be provided excluding provided two
options / exam. dates in any circumstances. Exam. date once
confirmed can not be changed later, another given exam. date can
be selected only within 24 hours after confirmation of exam.
Due to some unavoidable critical reasons, If any student
want to extend their exam. date, then they have to submit any
critical reason in request letter in writing along with proof
like- Medical Certificate from recognized Authority / RMP etc.
then you can extend your exam. date but only once (Acc. to final decision from dept.).
If Application /
Admission or Registration is- Suspended / Deleted, then no any
complaint will be accepted in any condition, We also not
responsible for any losses caused, if we have sent reminder
emails and you have not checked it, email id is hacked etc
problems. Check your emails regularly and also visit our website
for updates, announcements etc because IFS may not send you
reminders by email every time. Only suspended application can be
reactivated after paying reactivation fee and late fee within
specified time.
Your responsibilities
are- To check exam. schedules, confirm exam. dates in specified
time, recheck confirmed exam dates final confirmation, if any
error inform us immediately, submit assignment on time, appear
for specified exam. date within exam. time, confirm result after
exam., apply for mark sheet / certificate online and also check
exam. schedule page, Terms and Conditions Page and FAQ for
updates, new announcements, changes in rules etc...
We may change these
Charges and Terms & Conditions at any time, without notice.
There may be some changes
/ updates in Rules, Regulations, Terms, Conditions, Fee
Structures, Course Patterns, Syllabus etc every 2-3 months or
bi-annually so always visit website for updates / announcements
and also check emails regularly.
Please read all the rules, regulations, terms and conditions carefully (Before Application and Fee Payment ), to avoid any kind of trouble or misunderstandings, at later stage any kind of objections, requests or complaints will not be entertained in any situation.
Violations of rules, terms & conditions; unacceptable arguments,
inappropriate behaviour; negligence to confirm dates, submit
assignment, any fee payment, updates, changes, announcements,
checking emails regularly etc will not be tolerated in any
Arbitration : All disputes relating to or
arising out of this agreement etc shall be settled by reference
to arbitration only and not by recourse to the courts of law, as
per the applicable Indian Law including the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act of 1996. An arbitration tribunal consisting of
a single member only shall conduct arbitration. The IFS’s
nominee shall be the persona designate as an arbitrator. The
venue of arbitration shall be Pune, India. The arbitration
clause shall however not apply if the IFS and or the authorized
agent decide to prosecute any student for any criminal offences,
including but not limited to dishonour of post-dated cheques.
Indemnity : A student agrees to indemnify,
defend and hold the IFS INDIA harmless from and against any and
all loss, damage, liability and expense (including reasonable
attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of any third party claim,
action or proceeding based directly or indirectly on the acts of
omission or commission by the member or his/her agents, the
breach or alleged breach or failure to comply with any
applicable laws or regulations, concerning the practice of
Limitation of Liability : The liability of
the IFS towards the students is limited only to the extent of
the Enrolment Fees paid by them. To clarify further, the IFS
shall not be liable to the students for fees paid by them to any
franchise etc as tuition and other fees. The IFS shall also not
be liable to the students for punitive, exemplary, special,
indirect, or consequential damages, including without
limitation, lost profits.
Applicable Law : The agreement shall be
deemed to have been made in Pune in the State of Maharashtra,
India and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and
the validity and performance hereof shall be governed by the
laws of the State of Maharashtra, India without reference to
principles of conflict of laws thereof. Judicial proceedings
regarding any matter arising under the terms of the Agreement
shall be brought in the relevant courts of Pune, India.
Jurisdiction for all disputes (if any) relating to the any
courses is Pune, India.
All disputes are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Courts
at Pune, India only.
The IFS INDIA reserves the
right to change the curriculum, course structure and the rules
relating to admissions, fee structure and examinations. Details
may be modified from time to time for academic, regulatory and
operational reasons. The students will be governed by the latest
regulations applicable to them during the relevant batch /
